Wednesday, 14 October 2015

"crossing'' the bridge

It took time for me to complete this subject. The truth is I need to absorbed more clips and situation which connived to this article. The ideas I gathered are pretty  simple to explain, actually need not to explain anything ‘coz we know it already, we are just sometimes blinded by other factors that surrounds us and the most valuable things we owned are precisely not registering to our thoughts.

Am talking about crossing the bridge here, why “crossing?” and why “bridge?”  Even  the great wise men of their times made mistakes, scientist made accidental discoveries of valuable things that we are now using, but making that wrongfully inventions… wasn’t really a mistake at all– those are the mistakes that turns so right. “Crossing the bridge” means living from your present and travelling to the other side of the situation which you are not sure what’s waiting ahead of you, Having goals in a great progress and owning the things that we need.

When to cross and what or which bridge? Choose the bridge which is concrete, stable, solid and reliable. My best bridge?  would be my family and my friends. Having a tough journey, what we need is a tough one to be with us. Use them as an inspiration, a good model, a happy companion, a perfect advisor, a well-trained individual, a treasured persona, a brave warrior-like. Taking the first step to cross is the hardest part. This is why you need to be sure that you are crossing the bridge with braveness and a bridge that won’t let you down.

Focused what’s the real goal. Although not sure of what awaits you, aimed for the target while on the way. Pictured out the future or the things that positively turns into reality. Wanting something doesn’t come out always a prize; surely you’ll be facing troubles and tests. I mentioned mistakes @ first part; this is where it would come up. What am saying is that not to be afraid to made mistakes coz mistakes are also invented for us to do things right. Most people deliberate negative thoughts as always, every time we plan or decide something, we merely think of “what if something goes wrong”? I read a book called “the magic” (same author who does “the secret”), it says what you think is what you get! So why don’t we apply the positive thoughts instead of thinking the negative one.

Crossing the bridge is not easy, it is not hard either. We just have to choose which bridge really needs to be crossed and the most important is that we have a bridge of our own too. Allow ourselves to think what must and what must not. Take time to visualize the facts ahead you, owned it even it is not yours yet, coz by that you will have your intents a hundred percent be with you.

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